Procedural Character Generation

This is the website of the two part master thesis concerning Procedural Character Generation. The parts can be found at the electronic library of the department of Computer Science at Aalborg University:
Part 1: Procedural Character Generation
Part 2: Procedural Character Generation - Implementing Principal Components Analysis and Reference Fitting

Downloading and using sourcecode, binaries or anything else found on this website happens at your own risc.
The implementation is still in alpha stages and we will not be hold accountable for any loss of data, time or whatever you might screw up


Contains a figure gallery, full size graphs from the report and screenshots of the 3D Studio Max plugin. Currently its a bit disorganized.

Video Captures

Video captures showcasing how the 3D Studio Max plugin works and can be used in practice.
The model material and databases used in these videos can be downloaded from the Downloads page.


The sourcecode is split into two parts, one the main library and the console based interface, and the other is the 3D Studio Max plugin. The plugin code requires the base framework to function. To get the files proceed to the download page. It has been taken offline


The documentation of the source code has been generated using Doxygen, and is available as HTML, for online viewing, and as a PDF download.


Example Data

This package contain the example models, their reference fitted counterparts, and the analysis databases used in the thesis.

Example Data

Important: Please report broken links, or faulty information to Esben
Browsers: The page looks descent in firefox, and works in IE7 - IE's before that i can't be bothered with so the menu is not functioning.
I will like to hear about problems not related to IE.

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